9/11 Honor & Remember Event
9/11 Honor & Remember
20 Year Anniversary Event
Camarata Chiropractic

Thank you to everyone that came out to our 9/11 event. What a BLESSING it was to be able to honor and serve you!
We had amazing friends & practice members in our community step up for donations for food and beverage and entertainment. Thank you guys so much!!!
This event was inspired by a 9/11 true story Dr Sam heard at a chiropractic conference just a few weeks before the event. One of his colleagues living in NYC at the time of 9/11 mobilized his fellow chiropractors and went to the site and teamed up with the American Red Cross and helped take care of all the men and women going in and out of the towers through chiropractic care so they were able to continue saving lives!!! This emotional story was very moving and it was on Dr Sam's heart and mind to do something for the 20th anniversary of 9/11!
We made a flyer 2 weeks prior to the event and our patients and people in the community started to show interest! It quickly built momentum and we had 200 people show up the morning of our 9/11 event!
The staff estimated 75 Chiropractic Adjustments were performed between just 9am - 11am outside our health and wellness facility!!!

There are so many more awesome pictures! These are just a few.
Praying for all the families. We will NEVER forget.
Honor & Remember.
See you again next year...
-Dr Sam & Team